Fan, the printed and gouache-enhanced paper leaf of the “Réveil de Malbrouk 1783”, showing the warrior rising from his tomb amid the flames, a musician offering heads to onlookers in the background, under a sign reading “Têtes à changer, Chanson à la mode” (“Heads to change, Fashionable song”).
On the reverse, Malbrouck's own lament for heads to be changed.
Condition: tears, stains and old restorations
H : 27 cm
Perhaps a mockery of nobility and the frivolity of fashion. Reference to an engraving Changez moi cette tête, 1783 (Hennin 9786) and the text Changez-moi cette tête, ou Lustucru au Sallon. “Dialogue entre le duc de Malborough, un marquis françois & Lustucru.” A Paris, Chez Belin, Libraire, rue Saint-Jacques, près Saint-Yves. 1783, is probable.
Many thanks to Daniel Crépin and Rolf Reichardt for their help with identification.