Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century

Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century
Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century

Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century

Fan leaf in paper and silk, applied on wood

Condition correct (tears, missing, little holes)

Size : 27 x 47 cm

With frame and glass

More informations about this item

Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century

Offerings to Juno, fan leaf, 18th century

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