Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century

Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century
Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century
Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century
Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century
Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century
Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century
Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century

Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century

Wooden and papier-mâché snuffbox, the lid illustrated with three merry musicians whose concert is interrupted by the cork of their bottle, which has just popped and is taking off like a hot-air balloon.

Good condition (traces of glue on the inside of the lid).

D : 9 cm

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Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century

Concert interrupted... by a hot-air balloon. Snuffbox, early 19th century

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